Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Move Over Rover

Okay, so it wasn't a Range Rover, but a lovely lady in an Audi A4 decided to pass me way too closely this morning. She was probably just trying to get around the streetcar and make it through the light at McCaul and Dundas. Fair enough. Maybe she didn't even see this cyclist. Regardless, one doesn't exactly feel safe after being passed within a distance of maybe 6" by a vehicle going 40km/h.

So, what did I do? Well, despite her best effort we both ended up stopped at the red light. I politely tapped on her window and asked, "would it be possible for you to give us a bit more room when passing please?" Note the "please" and polite tone of my request. She responded with a somewhat unprecedented, "it's a frickin' car road, not a bicycle road!"

Pardon me for intruding into your private vehicular bubble on this hot and humid morning, but guess what lady:


Can be operated on roads in Ontario.
Illustration of a bicycle
In the HTA, the definition of bicycle includes tricycles and unicycles but not motor-assisted bicycles. You do not need a drivers licence to operate a bicycle in Ontario.
So please, give use some room!